From Coughing Chairs to Confidence: My Journey to a Stronger Pelvic Floor
For years, I had a designated coughing chair in my kitchen—a strategically placed seat where I could brace myself anytime I needed to sneeze, cough, or even laugh. My kids knew better than to put anything on it because, in those crucial seconds, I needed a clear path. If I didn’t make it in time? […]
Should I Take a Digital Class or Have a Private Consultation?
Which One Is Right for You? AAhhhhh… breastfeeding challenges. It’s common to hear people refer to breastfeeding as a natural process, and it is. But it’s not a given that sustaining a tiny human with your boobs is going to be easy! Most parents struggle with doubting themselves and their ability to feed their baby. […]
Partner Support During Breastfeeding
4 Ways to Prepare Together When it comes to a successful postpartum journey, one of the most critical things is strong partner support during breastfeeding. Research has shown that having a supportive partner greatly increases your chance of breastfeeding for six months or more. Given the importance of partner support when breastfeeding, I have to wonder, […]
Talk To Your Employer About Pumping
When you’re expecting, you probably have many tasks to check off your to-do list before the baby is born. One of them might be talking to your employer about your plans to return to work after maternity leave. If you plan to breastfeed, a necessary conversation will be pumping while you’re at work. When is a good […]